Respondent ID,Collector ID,Start Date,End Date,IP Address,Email Address,First Name,Last Name,Custom Data 1,"Which sector or type of organisation do you work in? Please select only one. If more than one applies to you, please select the option most pertinent to the topic of Brexit and zero carbon energy policy.",,Which type of industry do you work in? Please select only one.,,"Where is your organisation located? Please select only one. If you are a Member of European Parliament (MEP), please state where you were elected.",,"What overall impact has Brexit had on your organisation, group or team's ability to:Please select one answer per row",,,,,,,,,"What overall impact has Brexit had on your organisation, group or team's ability to:Please select one answer per row",,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a POSITIVE impact from Brexit on the UK energy sector’s ability to… Select all that apply",,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a POSITIVE impact from Brexit on the EU energy sector’s ability to… Select all that apply",,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a NEGATIVE impact from Brexit on the UK energy sector’s ability to… select all that apply",,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a NEGATIVE impact from Brexit on the EU energy sector’s ability to… select all that apply",,,,,,,,,What overall impact do you think Brexit has already had on different areas of UK energy policy? Please select one answer per row,,,,,,,"In the next three years, what overall impact do you think Brexit will have on different areas of UK energy policy? Please select one answer per row",,,,,,,What overall impact do you think Brexit has already had on different areas of EU energy policy? Please select one answer per row,,,,,,,"In the next three years, what overall impact do you think Brexit will have on different areas of EU energy policy? Please select one answer per row",,,,,,,"To what extent, if at all, do you agree with the following statements? Please select one answer per row",,,,,"To what extent, if at all, do you agree with the following statements? Please select one answer per row",,,,"To what extent, if at all, do you agree with the following statements? Please select one answer per rowA UK carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)…",,,,,,"To what extent, if at all, do you agree with the following statements? Please select one answer per rowAn EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM)…",,,,,,Who should be responsible for addressing negative impacts of Brexit on the UK energy sector? Please select all that apply,,,,,,,,Who should be responsible for addressing negative impacts of Brexit on the EU energy sector? Please select all that apply,,,,,,,,,"What support would help your organisation in managing any negative impacts of Brexit? Please write your response in the text box below, or state 'not applicable'","What support would help your organisation in managing any negative impacts of Brexit? Please write your response in the text box below, or state 'not applicable'","Overall, there has been a POSITIVE impact from Covid-19, and measures to respond to Covid-19, on the UK energy sector’s ability to… select all that apply",,,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a NEGATIVE impact from Covid-19, and measures to respond to Covid-19, on the UK energy sector’s ability to… select all that apply",,,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a POSITIVE impact from Covid-19, and measures to respond to Covid-19, on the EU energy sector’s ability to… select all that apply",,,,,,,,,,"Overall, there has been a NEGATIVE impact from Covid-19, and measures to respond to Covid-19, on the EU energy sector’s ability to… select all that apply",,,,,,,,,,"Finally, do you have any further reflections on how Brexit has impacted the UK and EU energy sectors and energy policy? These reflections should be relevant to helping others in the sector understand and adapt to Brexit impacts.Please write your response in the text box below" ,,,,,,,,,Response,Other (please specify),Response,Other (please specify),Response,Other EU country (please specify),Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Undertake research,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Undertake research,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Investment,Research and development,Government / official staffing and operations,Climate change and decarbonisation,Security of energy supply,Energy affordability and pricing,Long-term direction of policy,Investment,Research and development,Government / official staffing and operations,Climate change and decarbonisation,Security of supply,Energy affordability and pricing,Long-term direction of policy,Investment,Research and development,Government / official staffing and operations,Climate change and decarbonisation,Security of energy supply,Energy affordability and pricing,Long-term direction of policy,Investment,Research and development,Government / official staffing and operations,Climate change and decarbonisation,Security of supply,Energy affordability and pricing,Long-term direction of policy,Outside of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) the UK is likely to have a more effective trading system,Outside of the EU the UK is likely to develop more effective climate change policy,Outside of the EU the UK is likely to work more effectively with other countries on climate change,No longer having to conform to State Aid Rules is likely to make decarbonisation easier for the UK,Brexit is likely to ultimately lead to cheaper energy prices for consumers in the UK,Without the UK in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) the EU is likely to have a more effective trading system,"Without the UK, the EU is likely to develop more effective climate change policy","Without the UK, the EU is likely to work more effectively with other countries on climate change",Brexit is likely to ultimately lead to cheaper energy prices for consumers in the EU,…will improve UK competitiveness as a producer of carbon intensive goods on the world stage,…will harm UK consumers in the short/medium term by inflating prices,…will make it easier for the UK to achieve net zero emissions targets,…should contribute revenues towards decarbonisation/net zero emissions in developing countries,…should contribute revenues towards UK decarbonisation/net zero emissions,...will harm developing and emerging market economies in the short/medium term,…will improve EU competitiveness as a producer of carbon intensive goods on the world stage,…will harm EU consumers in the short/medium term by inflating prices,…will make it easier for the EU to achieve decarbonisation / net zero emissions,…should contribute revenues towards decarbonisation / net zero emissions in developing countries,…should contribute revenues towards EU decarbonisation / net zero emissions,...will harm developing and emerging market economies in the short/medium term,Not applicable - there have been no negative impacts from Brexit on the UK energy sector,The UK National Government,The European Commission,The European Council,The National Energy Regulator in my country,The EU Parliament,Financial Institutions,Other(s) (please specify),Not applicable - there have been no negative impacts from Brexit on the EU energy sector,The UK National Government,My National Government,The European Council,The National Energy Regulator in my country,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,Financial Institutions,Other(s) (please specify),Open-Ended Response,Open-Ended Response,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Undertake research,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Undertake research,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,Open-Ended Response 12934329311,407503972,09/01/2021 15:06,09/01/2021 15:13,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Italy,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Don't know,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,,,Agree,Don't know,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,The European Commission,,,,,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,"The uncoupling of the GB bidding zone from the single-day market due to Brexit is a pity. It is a pure technical arrangement, yearly millions of euros are lost in inefficiencies due to the new (suboptimal) arrangement." 12915070977,407503972,08/24/2021 06:30:54 PM,08/24/2021 06:41:38 PM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Positive impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Positive impact,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Positive impact,,No impact,Positive impact,Negative impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not Applicable as I am in a transition and looking for a new role.,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I think the EU rules on carbon intensity and IPCC targets on achieving the climate targets are something that UK will be following and therefore it will have little impact on the ESG roadmap followed by UK. Brexit will therefore have little/ no impact. 12914333323,407503972,08/24/2021 01:54:44 PM,08/24/2021 02:00:29 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Transmission and distribution,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12911007478,407503972,08/23/2021 08:12:35 AM,08/23/2021 02:04:43 PM,,,,,,Governing body or regulator,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Brussels,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,,,,My National Government,The European Council,,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,,,,not applicable for European Parliament,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,"I think for now the impact has been minimal, at least for policy makers in the field of EU Energy policy. There is huge momentum for ambitious climate legislation right now, and the EU regulators are proceeding with this, Brexit or no Brexit. It's not like the Brexit has added an extra dimension to EU climate policy. Maybe problems will still arise when new legislation is introduced. But even with the CBAM for example I would not expect any trouble, since it is unlikely to affect the UK since they have a UK ETS. And it will likely even make it easier to pass ambitious legislation through the Council without the UK. (think e.g. of the Energy Taxation Directive where unanimity is required etc) So that would be positive impact. " 12911373100,407503972,08/23/2021 12:22:21 PM,08/23/2021 12:28:30 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Too soon to say,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,Don't know,Agree,Agree,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Fixing immigration problems that make it hard for international staff and students (including those who were formerly considered ""home"" as EU citizens) to work or study at my university.",,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Depending on future UK governments, it's possible that being able to act freely alone may allow the UK to decarbonise faster/better than the EU. But the impact of this will be limited compared to the EU hypothetically doing better thanks to UK influence as a member." 12911371726,407503972,08/23/2021 12:21:34 PM,08/23/2021 12:26:10 PM,,,,,,Other (please specify),Semi state utility,,,Republic of Ireland,,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Positive impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,,,,,,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Don't know,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,,,,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research, 12911138164,407503972,08/23/2021 09:50:29 AM,08/23/2021 09:59:24 AM,,,,,,Governing body or regulator,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Belgium,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Don't know,No impact,No impact,,,,,,Too soon to say,Neither agree nor disagree,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,,,,,,,Don't know,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,The European Council,,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,,,,Good dialogue ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,Undertake research,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,/ 12905935198,407503972,08/20/2021 06:06:22 AM,08/20/2021 06:18:08 AM,,,,,,Industry,,Other (please specify),Energy Transition,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Not applicable,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n/a,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The UK has been unconstrained in its ability to address energy and decarbonisation policies rather than having to wade through the minefield of 27 different views 12905406778,407503972,08/20/2021 12:19:20 AM,08/20/2021 12:20:00 AM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Neither EU, GB nor Northern Ireland",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12904910503,407503972,08/19/2021 06:41:20 PM,08/19/2021 09:04:32 PM,,,,,,National government,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12904162132,407503972,08/19/2021 03:41:38 PM,08/19/2021 03:49:31 PM,,,,,,Not applicable,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Not applicable,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Don't know,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,access to funding to SMAs,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12902120285,407503972,08/18/2021 08:42:45 PM,08/18/2021 08:54:13 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Belgium,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Positive impact,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Positive impact,,,,,,Agree,Too soon to say,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Don't know,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,,,,,The European Council,The National Energy Regulator in my country,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,,,,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,,,Undertake research,Brexit has damaged long-term planning on both sides and increased perceptions of instability at a time when energy sectors need to be transforming urgently to decarbonisation. It has been a distraction that has diverted some funding and caused damaging delays leading to further entrenchment of outdated modes of functioning in the energy sectors. 12901236445,407503972,08/18/2021 03:08:31 PM,08/18/2021 03:09:06 PM,,,,,,Other (please specify),research,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12900480387,407503972,08/18/2021 08:37:30 AM,08/18/2021 08:47:57 AM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Belgium,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,Not applicable,No impact,Not applicable,No impact,No impact,Don't know,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,Don't know,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,The European Council,,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,,ACER,,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,, 12900346236,407503972,08/18/2021 07:01:24 AM,08/18/2021 07:08:13 AM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Belgium,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,The European Council,,The European Commission,,,,,not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,Undertake research, 12898340866,407503972,08/17/2021 03:09:02 PM,08/17/2021 03:13:51 PM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Don't know,Negative impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12897783721,407503972,08/17/2021 10:32:16 AM,08/17/2021 11:01:22 AM,,,,,,Other (please specify),Private consultant and research,,,Other EU country (please specify),France ,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,Positive impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,No impact,Positive impact,,,,,,Too soon to say,Agree,Agree,Don't know,,,,,,,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,,Not applicable - there have been no negative impacts from Brexit on the EU energy sector,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Undertake research,,,,,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,"It is too early to have a comprehensive understanding of the impact of Brexit on the energy sector and policy as it combines with the still ongoing covid crisis, but an aspect will probably be to facilitate the UE initiatives and actions in the field, following the Green Deal and the recent Commission's initiatives, even if the way forward is certainly going to be very difficult. " 12897747215,407503972,08/17/2021 10:05:13 AM,08/17/2021 10:10:49 AM,,,,,,Governing body or regulator,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Ireland (the name of the Member State) not the name of the football team,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12897730604,407503972,08/17/2021 09:59:58 AM,08/17/2021 10:08:37 AM,,,,,,Industry,,Energy generation or production,,Other EU country (please specify),Germany,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,No impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,Too soon to say,Agree,Agree,Don't know,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Agree,Agree,Agree,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,My National Government,,,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,,,,Greater ability to move skilled staff between UK and EU (company HQ is Germany but there are significant operations in UK as well as EU). Sorting out customs and logistics issues affecting supply of materials and parts to UK plant. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,It has made what was already complex even more so 12897687388,407503972,08/17/2021 09:22:22 AM,08/17/2021 10:00:34 AM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Not applicable,Negative impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,The European Council,,The EU Parliament,,,,,,,,,,,,Action to make recruitment of EU nationals and access to EU research funds as straightforward as it was before Brexit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12897644438,407503972,08/17/2021 09:01:15 AM,08/17/2021 09:02:19 AM,,,,,,Other (please specify),Trade Association,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12897590119,407503972,08/17/2021 08:20:48 AM,08/17/2021 08:21:50 AM,,,,,,National government,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12896623657,407503972,08/16/2021 10:21:39 PM,08/16/2021 10:37:41 PM,,,,,,Local government or Devolved administration,,,,Northern Ireland,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Positive impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Clarity about the roles of different UK research and innovation support bodies and programmes. Clear and effective UK carbon reduction policy and taxation measures. Training of more energy and engineering professionals.,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Undertake research,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Free workshops and conferences for EU funding programmes presented good networking and learning opportunities. Having to approve fees makes attendance problematic: We are attending events to learn, but are expected to apply for fees approval setting out in advance what we would gain. If we knew already we should not be attending!! Catch 22" 12896019727,407503972,08/16/2021 05:54:26 PM,08/16/2021 06:05:43 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Don't know,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Greater EU-UK cooperation on energy and climate policy, energy and goods trading, and movement of skilled workers.",,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12895269722,407503972,08/16/2021 01:04:18 PM,08/16/2021 01:04:47 PM,,,,,,Not applicable,,,,"Neither EU, GB nor Northern Ireland",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12884381794,407503972,08/11/2021 16:37,08/11/2021 16:37,,,,,,Other (please specify),PR,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12877919150,407503972,08/09/2021 13:03,08/10/2021 17:04,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Not applicable,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Don't know,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not directly relevant to my organisation but the UK and EU need to press ahead with the specialised committee on energy (set up under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement which will agree the new arrangements for the efficient trading of electricity across interconnectors).,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,My main reflection is that Brexit related work has taken up a huge amount of time (particularly government's) which has no doubt had an impact on other policy development. 12880942639,407503972,08/10/2021 15:04,08/10/2021 15:09,,,,,,Governing body or regulator,,,,"Neither EU, GB nor Northern Ireland",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,Too soon to say,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12861313479,407503972,08/02/2021 10:28,08/10/2021 08:40,,,,,,National government,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Switzerland,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Don't know,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12878091230,407503972,08/09/2021 14:21,08/09/2021 14:22,,,,,,Other (please specify),Consulting,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12877800550,407503972,08/09/2021 11:50,08/09/2021 11:50,,,,,,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12876431526,407503972,08/08/2021 15:11,08/08/2021 15:27,,,,,,Other (please specify),Trade Association,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Positive impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Clear support for domestic manufacturing and greater self sufficiency in energy saving products.,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Strong cooperation needed on product standards across European countries to avoid obstacles to development . 12873185748,407503972,08/06/2021 15:12,08/06/2021 15:24,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Agree,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,more local representation and dialogue would also help,,,,,,,,,,not applicable,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12872707028,407503972,08/06/2021 11:50,08/06/2021 12:00,,,,,,Other (please specify),Parliament,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,No impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Negative impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Agree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Don't know,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Research cooperation on the impacts of Brexit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"It may give greater impetus to North Sea offshore renewable energy cooperation given that it is a specific focus in the TCA (but that is a big ""may"")." 12872534625,407503972,08/06/2021 10:00,08/06/2021 10:12,,,,,,Industry,,Energy generation or production,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,EU recognition of UK commodity exchanges and clearing houses Linking the UK ETS to the EU ETS,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The UK has been instrumental in the development of the single energy market, emissions trading and decarbonisation. The UK's absence from the EU undermines the development of both UK and EU energy and carbon markets which makes decarbonisation and energy security less efficient and more expensive for consumers. The sooner the two markets can be recombined, the better." 12871036054,407503972,08/05/2021 19:33,08/05/2021 19:41,,,,,,National government,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,,,,,,,Not applicable - there have been no negative impacts from Brexit on the UK energy sector,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"It is the negative impact of Carrie Johnson and her useless spouse, that is the problem. Between Covid, Wokeness, immigration, and their idiotic climate change policies, they will destroy the country. This has nothing to with Brexit",,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Brexit is not the issue, the idiotic Zero Carbon virtue signalling and Carrie Johnson are the problem." 12871021856,407503972,08/05/2021 19:25,08/05/2021 19:28,,,,,,Local government or Devolved administration,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12870744319,407503972,08/05/2021 17:32,08/05/2021 17:33,,,,,,Non-governmental Organisation (NGO),,,,Other EU country (please specify),Belgium,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12847697548,407503972,07/27/2021 02:43:49 PM,08/05/2021 17:32,,,,,,Other (please specify),independent arbitrator,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,not applicable,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12870742432,407503972,08/05/2021 17:32,08/05/2021 17:32,,,,,,National government,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12863157515,407503972,08/03/2021 00:14,08/04/2021 14:58,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Too soon to say,,,,,Don't know,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Don't know,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12867497484,407503972,08/04/2021 14:43,08/04/2021 14:45,,,,,,Industry,,Heavy industry,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12867395929,407503972,08/04/2021 14:03,08/04/2021 14:13,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Neither EU, GB nor Northern Ireland",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Negative impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12867215574,407503972,08/04/2021 11:59,08/04/2021 12:56,,,,,,Local government or Devolved administration,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Don't know,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Understanding long-term policy direction and support to influence the policy direction. Devolved powers ,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12867219838,407503972,08/04/2021 12:49,08/04/2021 12:49,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12867033161,407503972,08/04/2021 11:02,08/04/2021 12:11,,,,,,Industry,,Independent energy developer,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Some more ""adventurous"", capital for world scale projects In developing countries. PPP structures, and full feasibility study support to FID. There are ""good investors"".. PIDG, CDC, etc.. but I don't think anyone would describe them as adventurous or even ambitious. They are in the grip of well established administrative processes. Just like the case for a Green Bank in the UK back in 2000 or so - if very different results are required (in this case net Zero on a demanding timescale) then differently purposed and staffed institutions are necessary. As with the Green Bank, the UK could take a lead",,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The current UK government is shorter on capabilities and competencies than many of its predecessors. Particularly on strategy and convening-power. COP26 is in danger of becoming a missed opportunity. Which would be a very black mark for the UK and its fragmented leadership - and potentially a disaster for he world. 12867067662,407503972,08/04/2021 11:22,08/04/2021 11:34,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Don't know,Don't know,Not applicable,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Disagree,Disagree,Don't know,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12856047228,407503972,07/30/2021 10:40:51 AM,07/30/2021 11:00:28 AM,,,,,,Industry,,Independent energy developer,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"One of the principal activities my business is engaged in is the development of UK to continental Europe electricity interconnectors. Despite both UK government and the EU energy policies supporting additional interconnectors, Brexit has added complications to their development and regulation. Investors are, understandably, more cautious in an uncertain environment which is delaying and possibly halting some project developments." 12851058042,407503972,07/28/2021 04:50:29 PM,07/28/2021 05:02:26 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Transmission and distribution,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The UK Government focusing on rebuilding a constructive political relationship with the EU, so that the energy title of the TCA (which is a good basis for a new relationship) can be implemented effectively. ",,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Energy and climate policy is a area where there is a significant regional interest. We share effectively the same climate targets as European neighbours, we should be linking the UK ETS to the EU to maximize liquidity and cost-effective decarbonisation, and to avoid a CBAM creating trading barriers between the UK and EU. We need to co-operate in the North Sea to build large scale offshore wind and the connecting grids. Our supply chains for clean energy are trans-European. It is essential that the UK and the EU establish an effective way to co-operate on energy and climate so that we can meet our mutual net zero target. " 12850053960,407503972,07/28/2021 09:11:20 AM,07/28/2021 09:22:44 AM,,,,,,Industry,,Manufacture,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Positive impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Too soon to say,,,,,Agree,Agree,Don't know,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Support for covid recovery is already driving the economy so the impact of Brexit is very hard to assess,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Undertake research,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12848250549,407503972,07/27/2021 05:54:12 PM,07/27/2021 06:02:45 PM,,,,,,Non-governmental Organisation (NGO),,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,Not applicable,No impact,No impact,Positive impact,No impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12848199484,407503972,07/27/2021 05:35:08 PM,07/27/2021 05:36:01 PM,,,,,,Local government or Devolved administration,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12847720240,407503972,07/27/2021 02:51:59 PM,07/27/2021 03:03:29 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Heavy industry,,"Neither EU, GB nor Northern Ireland",,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Not applicable,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Don't know,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Better resourced UK Reach system and clearer guidance,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Linking the EU & UK ETS will facilitate decarbonisation for both the UK and EU 12847734949,407503972,07/27/2021 02:57:14 PM,07/27/2021 02:58:19 PM,,,,,,Other (please specify),Consultancy,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12847695986,407503972,07/27/2021 02:43:19 PM,07/27/2021 02:49:10 PM,,,,,,National government,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Poland,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Positive impact,Don't know,No impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12845197263,407503972,07/26/2021 04:12:58 PM,07/26/2021 04:36:45 PM,,,,,,Other (please specify),"In this context, I provide volunteer input for a loose collection of energy system analysts. The European Commission characterize us as a ""informal organization"" for public consultation purposes.",,,Other EU country (please specify),"To nominate one member state, say: Germany.",,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Negative impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,No impact,No impact,Positive impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Too soon to say,,,,,,,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The European Commission,,,,,I am concerned that public-interest energy sector data standards will diverge more than with out Brexit as each jurisdiction travels its own road. Anything that can help coordinate those efforts is to be welcomed. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,"There will doubtless be increasing divergence from the single energy market concept, with downsides for climate protection. That said, Germany and the UK just announced an electricity connector, to be completed by 2024. But these more ad-hoc arrangements are unlikely to be as effective as deeper coordination. " 12845180183,407503972,07/26/2021 04:06:44 PM,07/26/2021 04:07:33 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Small or Medium Enterprise (SME),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12844909305,407503972,07/26/2021 02:21:53 PM,07/26/2021 02:22:28 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Other (please specify),Multi-Sector Industry Body,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12844515728,407503972,07/26/2021 10:42:41 AM,07/26/2021 10:56:24 AM,,,,,,Other (please specify),Independent consultancy with significant innovation projects in the public sector ,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable.,,,,,,,,,,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"I think there has been a limited positive effect in stimulating recognition of the need to think more independently and creatively about energy policy, and particularly about the overlaps between energy policy and industrial policies. However, I think it is too soon to say whether this will have any real impact or is merely bluster and dissembling. It is a tragedy that both Brexit and Covid seem to have been necessary to stimulate such (potential) mindshifts, when there were actually no regulatory or legal reasons why the UK government and policy community couldn't have worked in these ways previously. " 12843289932,407503972,07/25/2021 03:26:53 PM,07/25/2021 03:28:11 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12840109137,407503972,07/23/2021 03:19:19 PM,07/23/2021 03:33:12 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Energy supply,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,No impact,Not applicable,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Positive impact,No impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not Applicable,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12837294282,407503972,07/22/2021 02:33:46 PM,07/22/2021 03:21:41 PM,,,,,,Other (please specify),De-cabonizaion project developer,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Too soon to say,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Don't know,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1. The UK government should support financially to those who have projects to build.,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The UK government should support those companies who have decarbonizion projects to build 12837286154,407503972,07/22/2021 02:30:48 PM,07/22/2021 02:36:18 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Negative impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,Don't know,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12836755445,407503972,07/22/2021 09:25:58 AM,07/22/2021 09:29:02 AM,,,,,,National government,,,,Other EU country (please specify),Hellas,,,,,,,,,,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12836670177,407503972,07/22/2021 08:19:22 AM,07/22/2021 08:26:50 AM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,Negative impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,No impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12836629927,407503972,07/22/2021 07:46:53 AM,07/22/2021 07:47:37 AM,,,,,,Other (please specify),EU institutions,,,Other EU country (please specify),Brussels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12835662889,407503972,07/21/2021 09:57:12 PM,07/21/2021 10:06:46 PM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,No impact,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Don't know,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Agree,Agree,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,The European Council,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Interpretation of legislation coming from DfW and EU task force on climate related regulation and legislation,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12835205893,407503972,07/21/2021 06:39:23 PM,07/21/2021 07:53:04 PM,,,,,,Non-governmental Organisation (NGO),,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,,,,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Agree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,,,,,,,,,,Undertake research,,,,,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Despite Brexit, a collaboration between the UK and the EU is more necessary than with the U.S, because of geography. It would be easier for the rest of the world to follow the example of a continent than a country. Also, Brexit has severed any financial help that could be offered by the EU, especially as the government would need to pump billions, if not trillions into green projects and reforms. These will not reap any obvious benefits till years down the line. With fewer close allies to help, this government, and maybe the next one or two, may lack any courage to carry out any green reforms they claim is so important. " 12835055456,407503972,07/21/2021 05:53:35 PM,07/21/2021 06:12:12 PM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Positive impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Don't know,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Agree,Don't know,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,The National Energy Regulator in my country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834456719,407503972,07/21/2021 02:07:13 PM,07/21/2021 05:11:26 PM,,,,,,Local government or Devolved administration,,,,Northern Ireland,,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Positive impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,No impact,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,The European Council,,The EU Parliament,,,,,,,,,,,,"clear NI protocol arrangement (although even today an announcement was made indicating a restructuring of the agreement may occur). Can objectively, impartially state, without supporting Brexit or not, Northern Ireland has been left behind in the current arrangements. ",,,,,,,Put in place climate change measures,,,,Carry out day-to-day work,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Northern Ireland has a unique situation as a devolved government in the UK - NI is not on the national grid, but rather connected to the all-island Single Electricity Market, which operates across both UK (Northern Ireland) and EU (Republic of Ireland) jurisdictions. Therefore, in relation to energy, NI is unique in the UK in that some EU and UK rules apply. The risks that this creates needs to be understood further and addressed. " 12834875352,407503972,07/21/2021 04:44:06 PM,07/21/2021 04:49:45 PM,,,,,,Non-governmental Organisation (NGO),,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,The European Commission,The European Council,The National Energy Regulator in my country,The EU Parliament,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834888273,407503972,07/21/2021 04:48:56 PM,07/21/2021 04:49:23 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,Republic of Ireland,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834830463,407503972,07/21/2021 04:28:10 PM,07/21/2021 04:28:28 PM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834746123,407503972,07/21/2021 03:58:32 PM,07/21/2021 04:04:34 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Other (please specify),energy policy consultancy,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,No impact,Negative impact,Not applicable,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not applicable,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,none 12834636897,407503972,07/21/2021 03:17:42 PM,07/21/2021 03:33:26 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Energy supply,,Other EU country (please specify),Switzerland,,,,,,,,,,Not applicable,Don't know,Not applicable,Not applicable,Not applicable,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,,,,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,,,,,The European Council,,The European Commission,The EU Parliament,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,Carry out day-to-day work,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,"Brexit is still yet a question mark in terms of relationship between the continent and UK. A lot of data is misleading due to Covid and we will need to wait until things clear up to understand the real impact of Brexit. We will need to make flag a number of factors that will certainly have an impact on EU and UK economies such as (i) Security of Supply, (ii) carbon emissions (including carbon emissions trading), (iii) other commodities that are directly impacted by carbon emissions reduction such as nickel, aluminium, iron ore, etc. The UK is still very much dependent on EU energy imports. A transformation of consumption and production is under way, but a more detail analysis will be required to understand the impact of the supply alternatives and how dynamic is the demand. In order to produce energy from non fossil fuel energy other commodities (in addition to investment) is required. Are there enough investments in such field? Who competes for the aluminium required to make EV? Who will have the latest technology to produce the EV? Will enough power be generated during peak times? Is the security of supply guaranteed (either carbon neutral or through fossil)?" 12834578308,407503972,07/21/2021 02:55:44 PM,07/21/2021 03:16:17 PM,,,,,,Local government or Devolved administration,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Negative impact,No impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Don't know,Don't know,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834613822,407503972,07/21/2021 03:09:02 PM,07/21/2021 03:09:27 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834583231,407503972,07/21/2021 02:57:50 PM,07/21/2021 03:07:49 PM,,,,,,Financial sector,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Too soon to say,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not applicable,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834544236,407503972,07/21/2021 02:42:28 PM,07/21/2021 03:03:25 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I do not know.,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,,,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"I think Brexit has been a catastrophic mistake across the board, especially with the current incompetent UK government in charge." 12834511844,407503972,07/21/2021 02:29:32 PM,07/21/2021 02:32:09 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Other (please specify),Trade Association,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834471074,407503972,07/21/2021 02:12:59 PM,07/21/2021 02:21:15 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Energy generation or production,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834450040,407503972,07/21/2021 02:04:24 PM,07/21/2021 02:14:12 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Other (please specify),"OIl, gas and petrochemical company ","Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,No impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,,,,,,,,,,,,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,No impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,No impact,Negative impact,No impact,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Neither agree nor disagree,Too soon to say,Too soon to say,Agree,Don't know,,,,,Don't know,Disagree,Don't know,Don't know,Don't know,Disagree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ensuring existing domestic manufacturing/energy intensive industries receive full carbon leakage protection. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,,Afford and access equipment,,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834465557,407503972,07/21/2021 02:10:34 PM,07/21/2021 02:12:51 PM,,,,,,Academic or Think tank,,,,"Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales)",,Balance of positive and negative impacts,Positive impact,Don't know,Don't know,Positive impact,Negative impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,Positive impact,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834443932,407503972,07/21/2021 02:02:12 PM,07/21/2021 02:06:01 PM,,,,,,Industry,,Small or Medium Enterprise (SME),,"Neither EU, GB nor Northern Ireland",,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford and access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place climate change measures,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,,,,,,,,,,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,Negative impact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,,Disagree,Agree,Neither agree nor disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,,,,,The UK National Government,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,None of the above,,,,,,,,,,,Secure investment / finance / subsidies,Achieve and maintain necessary staffing levels,"Afford or access raw materials, energy and/or fuels",Afford and access equipment,Put in place measures to combat or adapt to climate change,Manage uncertainty about future policy,Adhere to regulations / reporting requirements,Carry out day-to-day work,Undertake research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12834446275,407503972,07/21/2021 02:02:47 PM,07/21/2021 02:05:14 PM,,,,,,National government,,,,Republic of Ireland,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,