Carbon Trust Advanced Metering - Other sectors

Meter readings are available for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's) in the following market segments.

The majority of meter readings are for electricity; monitoring of other utilities (gas and water) was available on some sites. Unless otherwise indicated data sets are for electricity; where multiple meters were deployed they are designated (e) for electricity, (g) for natural gas, and (w) for water. In a minority of cases metering on the site was split between several meters: (e1), (e2), etc. The absence of a link indicates some problems in matching the site identifier with the collected data set

Other sectors

Sector - Subsector Employees Site operating hours Floor area (m2) Typical annual consumption (kWh) Region / Country Filename
Agriculture - Farms / Forestry  5-9 Continuous 24/7 5000 4074122 South East PIL035
Agriculture - Farms / Forestry  5-9 Continuous 24/7 5000 80379 South East PIL036
Agriculture - Farms / Forestry  100-250 Weekdays 9-5 20000 1979981 South West PIL001
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 10-19 8am to 6pm x 6 days 3000 62000 Wales UPL050
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 10-19 8am to 6pm x 6 days 350 14150 Wales UPL051
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 10-19 8am to 6pm x 6 days 849 89200 Wales UPL053
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 800 120000 South West UPL047
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 4973 260680 West Midlands UPL048
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 3300 161530 South West UPL049
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 910 28360 West Midlands UPL052
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 849 290680 Wales UPL054
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 1785 171970 Wales UPL055
Transport - Bus or Rail Station 20-49 Continuous 24/7 440 50000 West Midlands UPL056
Transport - Garages / Car Parks 1-4 Continuous 24/7 20000 452000 East Midlands BGM324
Transport - Garages / Car Parks 5-9 8am to 6pm x 6 days 997 81300 South West UPL069
Transport - Garages / Car Parks 5-9 8am to 6pm x 6 days 493 56000 South West UPL070
Transport - Garages / Car Parks 5-9 8am to 6pm x 6 days 547 46700 South West UPL071
Transport - Garages / Car Parks 5-9 8am to 6pm x 6 days 249 51700 South West UPL072
Transport - Garages / Car Parks 5-9 8am to 6pm x 6 days 455 35240 South West UPL073
Utilities - Electricity or Gas  10-19 Weekdays 9-5   42436 West Midlands BGM369
Utilities - Electricity or Gas    Weekdays 9-5   108039 West Midlands BGM370
Utilities - Water / Sewage  5-9 Continuous 24/7   2128200 London INV218
Utilities - Water / Sewage  5-9 Continuous 24/7   1588000 London INV219
Utilities - Water / Sewage  5-9 Continuous 24/7   1236500 London INV227