Description: data recorded by secondary substation monitors within the NTVV project 316 secondary substations had monitors installed to record data. The data for each substation are in separate files named with the substation ID.Secondary substation identifiers are 7 digits. Note: Although the substation monitors could record up to 5 second granularity, if a new value was the same as the previous value, it would not be recorded. Though this saves memory, it means that we cannot be sure what is a repeated value, and what is a drop in comms. Within each data file, data columns are identified in pairs. The first column of each pair is named in line one to identify the substation and the measured parameter as described below. The values in the first column in each pair are the timestamps in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. The values in the second column in the pair are the measured parameter. Column identifiers take the form ~D1~~AI . The monitoring location can be: BB = Busbar N FD = Feeder N The phase information can be: L1 = Phase 1 L2 = Phase 2 L3 = Phase 3 N = Unknown Measured Parameters (Units) can be: Half Hourly Values: AMAX Max Current (Amps) AMEAN RMS Mean Current (Amps) AMIN Min Current (Amps) VMAX Max Voltage (Volts) VMIN Min Voltage (Volts) VMEAN RMS Mean Voltage (Volts) KVARHRN Accumulative negative reactive power (kVA) KVARHRP Accumulative positive reactive power (kVA) KWHRN Accumulative negative energy (kWh) KWHRP Accumulative positive energy (kWh) VHCT Voltage Harmonic Content (%) Streamed (up to 5 second) Values: VREAL Voltage, real part (Volts) AREAL Current, real part (Amps) KW Power (kW) KVAR Reactive power (kVAr) VHC Voltage Harmonic Content % Background information on the NTVV project and the substation monitoring can be found in and at .