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The Reliable Data Acquisition Platform for Tidal energy (ReDAPT) project was commissioned and co-funded by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) under their Marine Programme. ReDAPT was led by Alstom and included the University of Edinburgh (UoE), DNV-GL Renewable Advisory, EDF Energy, E.ON, Tidal Generation Ltd., Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC). The project centred around a commercial scale (1MW) tidal turbine developed by Alstom deployed at EMEC’s Tidal Test Site. ReDAPT produced a comprehensive suite of data on turbine operation, the flow field and the interaction between the two. The data available in this archive contains environmental data collected at the site during the project as provided by acoustic Doppler velocimeters.

Where further information is required please contact:, Institute for Energy Systems, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh

Filter dates: from to

Tide state filter: Files containing a flood tide Files containing an ebb tide Don't filter on tide

Turbine: On Off Don't filter on turbine state

Turbine direction: Facing flood Facing ebb Don't filter on turbine direction


Format: Original Matlab NetCDF

Product type: Quality controlled Averaged Raw

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