This folder contains the material provided as Appendix 2 of deliverable D6 final report of phase 1 of the Characterisation of Feedstocks project and consists of site assessment forms and photos from site visits. The data are arranged in sub-directories as follows: Assessment_sheets - contains further sub-directories for each feedstock type: Miscanthus, SRC_Poplar, SRC_Willow, SRF_Conifer, SRF_Poplar and Willow_Leaves. Each feedstock type sub-directory contains PDF files which are site assessment field forms. The filenames start with a 3-digit number which is the site number. Miscanthus - contains further sub-directories of site photos. Sub-directory names include the site number. SRC_Poplar - contains further sub-directories of site photos. Sub-directory names include the site number. SRC_Willow - contains further sub-directories of site photos. Sub-directory names include the site number. SRF_Conifer - contains further sub-directories of site photos. Sub-directory names include the site number. SRF_Poplar - contains further sub-directories of site photos. Sub-directory names include the site number. Willow_Leaves - contains further sub-directories of site photos. Sub-directory names include the site number. SRF = Short Rotation Forestry; SRC = Short Rotation Coppice.