This folder contains the original Excel Workbook results database for the Characterisation of Biomass Feedstocks project, also known as deliverable D11, and derived data files as described below. Excel software and formats change over time and so in the interests of long term archive preservation these data are also provided in CSV (comma separated variable) format for numerical data and in PDF format for meta data (data descriptions and experimental background information). D11_results_summary_page.pdf summarises the available data and data descriptions (meta data). The original excel database encodes some data quality information in font and cell fill colours. This information has been preserved and made machine readable by adding Quality Flag columns in the CSV format data. The quality flags are: No flag : 0 Value is less than level of detection : 1 Value excluded as an outlier : 2 Value flagged as an outlier but retained : 3 Analysis not included in study design : 4 (Study V4) Samples were not collected : 5 Note that in D11_poplar_SRF_field_data.csv, D11_conifer_SRF_field_data.csv and D11_willow_SRC_field_data.csv the term phase is used to mean something different to how it is used in the overall project. Here phase 1 = Fresh samples in April; phase 2 = April samples after 3 months storage; phase 3 = Fresh samples in July; phase 4 = July samples after 3 months storage.